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Climate-Smart Agriculture


The Montpellier CSA Conference will host invited speakers, selected communications and selected posters

Full program available here
(Updated: 14 March, 2015)

Abstracts of Plenary Sessions Keynote presentations available here

Abstracts of Parallel Session 1 presentations (oral and poster) available here
Abstracts of Parallel Session 2 presentations (oral and poster) available here
Abstracts of Parallel Session 3 presentations (oral and poster) available here

Download the
detailed synopsis of sessions here  

Program overview

Plenary and Parallel Sessions, Round Table
Prestigious Keynote Speakers
45 oral communications selected from
the submission process
Poster Sessions
A choice of three different post conference visits

Sunday 15 March
            Keynote lecture "We are all in the same boat: food production and food security under
                                          threat by climate change" by Professor Sir Gordon Conway, Director, Agriculture for Impact,
                                          Imperial College London                                                           CORUM AUDITORIUM EINSTEIN

Monday 16 March




Plenary 1: Opening Ceremony


Anne-Marie Descôtes, Director General for Global Affairs, Development and Partnerships, French Ministry of
          Foreign Affairs and International Development

          Yves Pietrasanta,
Vice-President of Région Languedoc-Roussillon, on behalf of Damien Alary, President of Région
          Isabelle Touzard, Vice-President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, on behalf of Philippe Saurel, President
          of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole and Mayor of Montpellier

          Mihail Dumitru, Deputy Director General, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
          François Houllier, Executive Chair of INRA, also on behalf of Michel Eddi, Executive Chair of CIRAD, Jean-Paul Moatti,
          Executive Chair of IRD and Bernard Hubert, Chair of Agropolis International
          Ren Wang, Assistant Director-General of the Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department at the FAO
          Juan Lucas Restrepo Ibiza,  Chair of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) and Executive Director
          of CORPOICA (Colombia)
          Frank Rijsberman, CEO, CGIAR Consortium, Montpellier, France

          Prof. dr. M.J. Kropff, Vice chairman of the Executive Board of Wageningen UR, Rector Magnificus Wageningen
          Linda Katehi, Chancellor, University of California, Davis
          Patrick Caron, Director General for Research and Strategy, CIRAD
          Jean-Luc Chotte, Co-chair of the CSA2015 Organizing Committee, IRD
Coffee/Tea Break
Plenary 2: Global Dimensions


                                         Chair: Jean-François Soussana

Plenary Keynote P2.1: Climate change, risks, extremes and uncertainties
·                      Hervé le Treut (IPSL): Climate-Change: from global alert to local studies
Plenary Keynote P2.2: Climate-Smart agriculture: conceptual framework and brief history
·                      Ren Wang (FAO): Climate-Smart agriculture: conceptual framework and brief history (tbc)
Plenary Keynote P2.3: Impacts and adaptation of agriculture to climate change and climatic variability
·                      Mark Howden (CSIRO): From climate adaptation assessment to action and back again: a food system perspective
Plenary Keynote P2.4: Supply and demand based greenhouse gas mitigation
·                      Pete Smith (University of Aberdeen): Supply and demand based greehouse gas mitigation
Onsite Lunch Break
Parallel sessions L1: Regional Dimensions & Poster Session
Parallel session L.1.1: Africa

Chair: James Kinyangi
·       14:00−15:00 Keynotes
·                      Maggie Opondo (University of Nairobi): Engendering climate resilient agricultural livelihoods in Africa
·                      Bruno Locatelli (CIRAD-CIFOR): Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Mitigation in Africa: Policy and

15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Tantely Razafimbelo (Université d’Antananarivo): Climate smart practices impact soil organic carbon storage
          in Madagascar
·                      Katrien Descheemaeker (Wageningen University): A modelling framework to assess climate change and
          adaptation impact on heterogeneous crop-livestock farming communities
·                      Henderson Ben (CSIRO): Closing yield gaps to increase food supply and mitigate GHG emissions for
          African smallholders

·                      KindieTesfaye (CIMMYT): Potential for taking climate smart agricultural practices to scale: Examples from
          Sub-Saharan Africa
Parallel session L.1.2: Australasia

Chair: Frédéric Gay
14:00−15:00 Keynotes
·                      Pramod Aggarwal (CGIAR, CCAFS): Climate-smart agriculture in South Asia: Opportunities and constraints in
          scaling out
          Imelda Bacudo (GAP-CC): Promotion of Climate Resiliency for  Food Security in the Association of Southeast
        Asian Nations: Regional Policy Making and Funding Opportunities

15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Tu Trinh Quang (RIA): Integrated rice-shrimp as a smart strategy to cope with climate change in the Mekong Delta,

·                      Guillaume Lacombe (IWMI): Changing rainfall pattern in Northeast Thailand and implications for cropping
          systems adaptation
·                      Norman Uphoff (Cornell University): A review of contributions that the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) can make
          to climate-smart agriculture
·                     Sikka Ak (Indian Council of Agricultural Research): Development of climate resilient villages
Parallel session L.1.3: Latin America

Chair: Mirjam Pulleman
14:00−15:00 Keynotes
·                      Paulina Aldunce (Universidad de Chile): Are we adapting to climate change? The case of the Chilean agricultural
Maureen Arguedas-Marin (CATIE): Economic valuation of mangrove's ecosystem services in Gulf of Nicoya,
          Costa Rica
15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break
16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Michel Schlaifer (ECLAC): The experience in policy dialogue for agriculture and climate change in LAC countries:
          an overview
·                      Cecilia Turin (International Potato Center): Implications of losing the complementariness of gender roles on CSA
          strategies in the Peruvian Altiplano

·                      Milagro Saborio-Rodriguez (CATIE): How do coffee farmers adapt to perceived changes in climate? Evidence from
          Central America
·                      Claudia Bouroncle (CATIE): Practices and enabling conditions for climate-smart agriculture: current status in
          seven countries in Latin America
Parallel session L.1.4: Europe

Chair: Jean-François Soussana
14:00−15:00 Keynotes
·                      Patrik Kolar (European Commission): EU-Funded Research & Innovation Activities in Support to Climate-Smart

·                      Niels Gøtke (Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research & FACCE JPI):FACCE JPI: an European
          partnering initiative to tackle food security and climate change–one of the greatest societal challenges

15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break
16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Stefan Fronzek (Finnish Environment Institute): Wheat yield sensitivity to climate change across a European
          transect for a large ensemble of crop models
·                      Vera Eory (SRUC): Economic assessment of greenhouse gas mitigation on livestock farms
·                      Natalie Trapp (Universität Hamburg): Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in the European Union (tbc)
·                      R.M. Rees (Scotland’s Rural College): Legume supported cropping systems for Europe (Legume Futures)

Parallel session L.1.5: North America

Chair: Cynthia Rosenzweig
14:00−15:00 Keynotes
·                      Charles Walthall (USDA ARS): Building Climate Smart, Sustainable, Intensive Agriculture For the 21st Century
          and Beyond
·                      Louise Jackson (UC Davis): Scientific Article Summarizing the 2013 CSA Global Science Conference in
          North America

15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break
16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Raj Khosla (Colorado State University): The 4-R nutrient stewardship and its role in climate smart agriculture
·                      Brenda V. Ortiz (Auburn University): From climate variability to climate change: building adaptive capacity among
           row crop farmers in the Southeastern USA
·                      Samuel Sandoval Solis (University of California, Davis): Climate Smart Agriculture and Water Management in
·                      Bruno Basso (Michigan State University East Lansing): Dealing with climate and yield variability: the role of
          precision agricultural technologies and crop models

Tuesday 17 March
8:30−9:00                 Special Session: Talk by Mr. Stéphane Le Foll, French Ministry
                               of Agriculture, Agrifood and Forestry

Special Plenary Keynote on CSA Science-Policy interface: Bringing findings of CSA science to policy-makers

·                                                       Chair: Jean-Luc Chotte

           Amadou Allahoury
(Niger President Office, HLPE): Bringing findings of "CSA science" to policy makers

Plenary 3: Key Questions for Climate-Smart Agriculture

Chair: Jean-Luc Chotte

Plenary Keynote P3.1: Resilience and adaptation
·                      Holger Meinke (University of Tasmania): Adaptation, Resilience and Climate Smart Agriculture – from concepts
           to action
Plenary Keynote P3.2: Sustainable intensification and mitigation
·                      Mercedes Bustamante (University of Brasilia): Sustainable intensification and mitigation

Coffee/Tea Break
Plenary Keynote P3.3: Agro-ecology, soils and ecosystem adaptation
·                      Pablo Tittonell (Wageningen University and Research): Agroecology is climate smart
Plenary Keynote P3.4: Food security and food systems
·                      Sonja Vermeulen (CCAFS) and John Porter (NRI): Climate-smart food systems
Special Plenary Keynote on Land degradation, Desertification
                                        Chair: Jean-Luc Chotte

           Bill Payne (University of Nevada): The Tragedy of the Commons Revisited: Land Degradation and Desertification
          on Public Lands – Presence cancelled, due to unforeseeable circumstances
Onsite Lunch Break
Parallel sessions L2: Climate-smart Strategies & Poster Session
Parallel session L2.1: Developing and evaluating climate-smart practices

Chair: Munyaradzi Chitakira
14:00−15:00  Keynotes
Bruce Campbell (CCAFS): Developing and evaluating climate-smart practices and services
·                       Martial Bernoux (IRD): Evaluating agricultural mitigation and scaling up climate-smart practices using the FAO
           EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool

15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break
16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Byomkesh Talukder (Wilfrid Laurier University): Rain water-based integrated agricultural system: A model for
          ensuring food security and adaptation in coastal Bangladesh
·                      Hidalgo D. Medina (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization): Additive impacts of
          climate-smart agriculture practices in mixed crop-livestock systems in Burkina Faso
·                      Ijeoma Emenanjo (The World Bank Group): Developing Indicators for Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA)
·                      Jan Verhagen (Wageningen UR): Towards metrics to track and assess climate smart agriculture
Parallel session L2.2: Facing climatic variability and extremes

Chair: Arona Diedhiou

14:00−15:00  Keynotes
          Robert Zougmoré
(CCAFS, ICRISAT): Facing climatic variability and extremes
          Thierry Lebel (IRD): Rainfall modifications in the context of climate change: the puzzle of the tropical regions

15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break
16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Festo Massawe (University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus): The potential for underutilised crops to improve
          food security in the face of climate change
·                      David Leclère (IIASA): Changes in climate variability and potential for impacts of droughts on agricultural markets
·                      Jean-Louis Durand (INRA): How precisely do maize crop models simulate the impact of climate change variables
          on yields and water use?
·                      Anne Mottet (FAO): Modeling livestock production under climate constraint in the African drylands to identify
          interventions for adaptation
Parallel session L2.3: Combining mitigation, adaptation
and sustainable intensification

Chair: Louise Jackson
14:00−15:00  Keynotes
Kenneth Cassman (University of Nebraska−Lincoln): Ex-Ante Evaluation of Climate-Smart Agriculture Options
·                       Lini Wollenberg (University of Vermont, CCAFS): Will sustainable intensification get us to 2 degrees Celsius?

15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Monika Zurek (Climate Focus): Climate readiness in smallholder agricultural systems: Lessons learned
          from REDD+
·                      Petr Havlik (IIASA): Assessing low emissions agricultural pathways under alternative climate policy
·                      Laurence Jassogne (IITA): Climate-smart coffee systems in East Africa
·                      Paresh Shirsath (IWMI-New Delhi): Prioritizing Climate-Smart Agricultural Interventions at Multiple Spatial
          and Temporal Scales
Parallel session L2.4: Breeding and protecting crops
and livestock

Chair: Louise Jackson
14:00−15:00  Keynotes
           Jean-Christophe Glaszmann
(CIRAD): Plant breeding for climate-smart agriculture
·                        Renaud Lancelot (CIRAD): What impact of climate change on animal health?

15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Jos van Boxtel (Arcadia Biosciences): Reducing nitrogen run-off and emission, and increasing rice productivity
          in African rice production environment
·                      Philippe Debaeke: Breeding for sunflower hybrids adapted to climate change: the SUNRISE collaborative
          and multi-disciplinary project
·                      Denis Laloë (Inra/AgroParisTech): Adaptation of Mediterranean bovine livestock to climate constraints.
          Genetic diversity and breeding systems
·                      François Tardieu (INRA, LEPSE): Towards genotypes adapted to climate change via combination of phenotyping
          and modelling: The projects DROPS and Phenome
Parallel session L2.5: Overcoming barriers: policies
and institutional arrangements to support CSA

Chair: Allison M. Chatrchyan
14:00−15:00  Keynotes
          Leslie Lipper (FAO): Policies and institutional arrangements to support CSA
·                     Laurent Sedogo (WASCAL): Policies and institutions conducive for enhancing the transfer to CSA in Africa

15:00−16:30 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

16:30−18:00 Oral presentations
·                      Myriam Layaoen (Philippine Rice Research Institute): Schools as climate smart agriculture information hubs
·                      Harry Clark (NZAGRC): Advancing CSA solutions through global collaboration: the Global Research Alliance on
          Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
·                      Adriana Paolantonio (FAO): Using whole-farm models for policy analysis of climate smart agriculture
·                     Songporne Tongruksawattana (CIMMYT): Climate shocks and risk attitudes among female and
          male maize farmers in Kenya
18:30-Till late
Conference Buffet Dinner at Château de Pouget
Wednesday 18 March
Parallel sessions L3: Towards Climate-smart Solutions & Poster Session
Parallel session L3.1: Climate adaptation and mitigation services

Chair: Eddy Moors
08:30−09:30 Keynotes
          Cynthia Rosenzweig
(NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, AgMIP): AgMIP Contributions to Climate-Smart
·                      Eddy Moors (Wageningen University and Research): Adaptation and mitigation services for climate smart agriculture

09:30−11:00 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

11:00−12:30 Oral presentations
·                      Leila Akhmiss and Abdellatif Rami (IAV Hassan II, CHA / AGROTECH): Public-Private Partnership For
          Climate-Smart Irrigation Initiative in Morocco: The experience of Souss Massa Region
·                      Vinay Sehgal (Indian Agricultural Research Institue, New Delhi): DSS for monitoring agro-meteorological and
          crop conditions in India using remote sensing for agro-advisory services
·                      Jacob van Etten (Bioversity International): Can citizen science accelerate climate adaptation by poor farming
·                      Fiona Ehrhardt (INRA): An international intercomparison & benchmarking of crop and pasture models simulating
          GHG emissions and C sequestration
Parallel session L3.2: Climate-smart cropping systems

Chair: Pramod Aggarwal
08:30−09:30 Keynotes
          Michael Obersteiner
(IIASA): Climate-Smart Agriculture – adaptation or transformation
·                     Philippe Debaeke (INRA): Designing and assessing climate-smart cropping systems in temperate and tropical

09:30−11:00 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

11:00−12:30 Oral presentations
·                      Jean-Jacques Drevon (INRA): Phosphorus use efficiency in symbiotic N2 fixation for coupling bio-geochemical
          cycles in agrosystems with legumes
·                      Eric Penot (CIRAD): Conservation agriculture and agro-ecology practices to mitigate climatic variations in medium
          altitude in Madagascar
·                      Hoyoung Kwon (International Food Policy Research Institute): Agronomic and environmental benefits of climate-
          smart farming practices modeled for rice-based system in India
·                      Philippe Vaast (CIRAD, ICRAF): Smallholders’ coffee and cocoa agroforestry systems, examples of climate-smart
Parallel session L3.3: Climate-smart livestock

Chair: Mark Howden
08:30−09:30 Keynotes
          Mario Herrero (CSIRO): Climate-smart livestock systems: lessons and future research
·                      Jean-François Soussana (INRA): Livestock and climate change: combining mitigation and adaptation options
          and projecting sustainable futures

09:30−11:00 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

11:00−12:30 Oral presentations
·                      Petr Havlik (IIASA): Differential climate change impacts on crop and grasslands and the relative livestock production
          systems competitiveness
·                      Pierre Gerber (FAO): Efficiency gains for enteric methane mitigation and productivity: contribution to CSA and
          investment opportunities

·                      Anne Collin (INRA): Variations in egg incubation temperature enable chicken acclimation through long-lasting
          changes in energy metabolism
·                      Juan Pablo Inamagua-Uyaguar (CATIE): Impact of feeding strategies on GHG emissions, income over feed cost and
          economic efficiency on milk production
Parallel session L3.4: Climate-smart landscapes, watersheds and territories

Chair: Bruno Rapidel
08:30−09:30 Keynotes
John Beer (CATIE): Climate Smart Territories; what are they and how do we evaluate progress towards this goal?
·                      Úrsula Oswald Spring (National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNU-EHS): Towards climate-smart landscapes
          and watersheds

09:30−11:00 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

11:00−12:30 Oral presentations
·                      Jean-Marc Blazy (INRA): Prototyping climate-smart agricultural landscapes: a generic modelling framework and
          application in a tropical island
·                      Bruno Locatelli (CIRAD-CIFOR): Managing trade-offs in climate-smart landscapes: A global analysis at multiple
·                      Peter A Minang (ICRAF): Climate-Smart Landscapes: Multifunctionality in Practice
·                      Joice Ferreira (Embrapa Amazonia Oriental): A platform for landscape ecoeficiency monitoring and
          jurisdictional certification in the amazon region
Parallel session L3.5: Investment opportunities
and funding instruments

Chair: Leslie Lipper
08:30−09:30 Keynotes
·                      Merylyn Hedger (ODI): Delivering Climate Smart Agriculture: prospects from climate finance
          Tim Searchinger (Princeton University, WRI): "What Can Fund Climate Smart Agriculture?"

09:30−11:00 Poster Session & Coffee/Tea Break

11:00−12:30 Oral presentations
·                      Ada Ignaciuk (OECD): How to deal with trade-offs? - A manual for policymakers
·                      Ana Iglesias (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid): Exploring strategic management of agricultural systems to link
          mitigation and adaptation to climate change
·                      Armine Avagyan (FAO): Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) for upscaling climate-smart agriculture
·                      Helen Greatrex (IRI): A business approach to poverty reduction: weather index based insurance and climate smart

Onsite Lunch Break

                                Feedback from parallel sessions
                                          Chair: Mercedes Bustamante

Plenary P4 Feedback from L1 parallel sessions

Peter Minang and Jean-Luc Chotte
Plenary P5: Feedback from L2 parallel sessions

Louise Jackson and Emmanuel Torquebiau
Plenary P6: Feedback from L3 parallel sessions

Leslie Lipper and Jean-François Soussana
Coffee/Tea Break
Plenary P7 Round Table: What are the
expectations from End-users and Policy-makers?
                                         Chair: Alain Vidal

            Juan Lucas Restrepo Ibiza,
Executive Director of the Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria
            (CORPOICA) and Chair of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)                      
·                         Patrice Burger, Executive Director of CARI (On behalf of the French Consortium Coordination Sud Commissions
            « Climate and Development » and « Food and Agriculture »)
            Thierry Blandinières, CEO, INVIVO, First French Agricultural Cooperation Group
            Shimpei Murakami, Asian Farmers Association
            Leslie Lipper, Senior Environmental Economist, Agriculture and Development Economics Division, FAO
            Amadou Allahoury, High Commissioner at the Niger President Office fot the National Strategy for Food security
            and Agriculture Development        
Plenary P8: Towards a CSA science roadmap
From Montpellier to the next CSA conference
Formal Closing session
          Jean-Luc Chotte,
Co-chair of the CSA2015 Organizing Committee, IRD
          Jean-François Soussana,
INRA, Scientific Director for Environment
          Martin Bwalya, Head of Agriculture and Food Security Directorate, NEPAD & Co-Chair of the Global Alliance on
          Climate-smart Agriculture (tbc)
          Patrick Caron, CIRAD, Director General for Research and Strategy

Thursday 19 March


Post-Conference Field Trips and Research Infrastructures Tour
(lunch included)
Innovation technologies for Climate Change adaptation in Viticulture and Enology
            New management and enological practices for the improvement of wine quality and adaptation to Climate Change

 Departure from Tramway station Occitanie at 08:30
 Return at Tramway station
Occitanie at 18:00
          The Restinclières plots are the most mature agroforestry plots under uninterrupted study in Europe. They allow
understanding the behaviour of Agroforestry systems on the long term, including the impact of Climate Change

 Departure from Tramway station Occitanie at 08:45
 Return at Tramway station
Occitanie at 16:00

        - Quarantine facilities for studies on tropical plant pathogens and related hosts
- Regional genotyping technology platform
        - European Ecotron
- Quarantine Ecotrop Platform
- Montpellier Plant Phenotyping Platforms

Departure from Tramway station Occitanie at 09:00
Return at Tramway station Occitanie at 18:00

Public Conference on CSA (in French)

at Diagonal Capitol movie theatre
5 rue de Verdun, 34000 Montpellier

Tram' station Comédie

Free entry
"Changement climatique et agriculture : quelles solutions pour l'avenir ?"


- Jean-Marc Touzard, Directeur de Recherche à l'Inra à Montpellier
- Jean-François Soussana, Directeur Scientifique Environnement à l'Inra à Paris et membre du GIEC
- Yacine Badiane NDour, Directrice du Laboratoire National de Recherche sur les Productions Végétales,
  Institut Sénégalais de Recherche Agricole, Dakar, Sénégal

Updated: 16 March 2015


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    CSA 2015 Press Releases here

    Stéphane Le Foll, French Minister of Agriculture,
    Agrifood and forestry speaks at CSA 2015

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    Conference Background